Kung Fu Hustle – wire-fu wackiness ahoy!

It was a pretty quiet year in the cinema for me personally up until now. This explosive film is an absolute riot, a non-stop barrage of cinematic fun that straddles Hong Kong and Hollywood cinema in its references, a tour-de-force from actor/writer/producer/director Stephen Chow, master choreographer & director Yuen Wo Ping, and HK f/x house Centro.

The cast is a who’s who of talent from over 30 years of HK cinema, each and every one of whom is given a chance to make an indelible impression. The plot doesn’t bear relating – if you like kung-fu pics, you’ll recognise the set-up instantly. If you don’t like kung-fu pics of any kind, then this will not be the film to convince you otherwise, as so much of the film’s humour depends on a working knowledge of the genre.

This is the Blazing Saddles of Kung Fu, and I can think of no greater compliment than that. This will wipe away any blues you have – Dr.Hugh prescribes it as a remedy against midsummer blues, so go, see, laugh, enjoy.