Torchwood novelists

Classified government information about Torchwood according to Children of Earth (c) BBC 2009

In a panel discussion recorded live at a meeting of the British Fantasy Society, late 1980s Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel talks to a quartet of Torchwood novelists – Mark Morris, Sarah Pinborough, Guy Adams and Joe Lidster – about bringing the show to the printed page and expanding the adventures of Jack, Ianto and Gwen to the length of a hardback novel.
(Recorded and edited by Alex Fitch)

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Links: Buy Torchwood novels from
Official BBC Torchwood website
Wikipedia pages on Torchwood novels, Andrew Cartmel, Guy Adams’ novel ‘The House that Jack built’ , Joe Lidster, Mark Morris and Sarah Pinborough
The British Fantasy Society website
Alex Fitch’s interview with Joe Lidster about his writing career so far