A documentary
about the lives of Gerald and Linda Polley, two residents of
Fargo, North Dakota. Gerald and Linda lead a quiet, seemingly normal life in their
community. Yet they also believe themselves to be the earthly spokesmen of John
Lennon, and they devote much of their energy to channelling his songs
back to a mortal world that does not listen.
Barney Snow, the director of this touching documentary says:
"I came across the Polleys and their extraordinary mission while researching
a story on people who believe themselves to inhabit or to commune with the souls
of famous people. The character of John Lennon had come up a number of times by
the time I heard about the Polleys.
I asked them if they'd be prepared to share their experiences which they readily
agreed to do as I had called at a critical time: it was the time of the US Presidential
elections which they were following closely, and which they were trying to influence
with the help of John Lennon.”
The film was shot over one eventful week in November 2000. That week saw the
first snow of the winter arrive in Fargo, George W. Bush and Al Gore contest the
Presidential Election, and John Lennon tries to save the Heavenly Kingdom from
annihilation by the dark forces."
SCI-FI-LONDON would like to thank Linda and Gerald for allowing us to use their
channelled version of the song "where has eternity gone?" for our TV
commercial, soon to appear on the SCi-FI Channel.