Starting at midnight on Saturday and ending around 9.00am on Sunday morning our Anime all-nighter brings together some of the best animation from around the world
RAHXEPHON the Movie (Japan)
SKY BLUE (aka Wonderful days) (Korea)

This movie goes to show that good science fiction can entrtain you, make you think and talk for hours after you have seen the film. Primer is an excellent film.   Winner of SCI-FI-LONDON Best Feature and the Grand Jury Winner at Sundance Film Festival.

If you saw the first two CUBE movies then this is a must - it is a prequel that answers many of the questions. Of course it follows CUBE rules and has a collection of anmesiacs in its clutches.  But in its own right it is an interesting thriller combined with a nasty gore-filled slasher flick.


SCI-FI-LONDON is committed to short film and we bring a selection of this year's best.  Including the winner of our Best Short Film Award - LA VIE D'UN CHIEN.  This is a wonderful black and white photo-roman which is a headbutt rather than a nod to La Jetee... we laughed and laughed.

Well, we finally did it - SCI-FI-LONDON gets off its arse and goes on tour. 

For this first tour we take in four cities and screen a selection of the 2005 festival highlights.  We hope it goes well and plan to expand it next year.  Until then, please join us at your nearest venue.

How much action can you take in one night?  Midnight 'til 9.00am come see all 3 matrix movies with their animated prequel ANIMATRIX - absolutely explosive!
Our all-nighters start at Midnight and end around,  Tea and coffee is available and we have some free REDBULL and BEN & JERRY's to help keep you charged up!