

This London-set indie explores the occult and conspiracies. Ross Taylor braves the dark to find out more. In cinemas now.


A superhero movie with a difference, the hero's powers are drug induced and may not actually be real. In cinemas November 17. Watch the trailer.

Christopher Nolan

We talk to Chris Nolan, director of The Prestige, about obsessions, magicians, wizards and David Bowie.

Movie news

The latest movie news picked up from the wires by Kristen Platt and The Editor.

Science Fiction Britannia

BBC4 presents, Science Fiction Britannia, a season of cult British sci-fi shows, beginning Monday November 12.

Casino Royale

It may not be strictly sci-fi, in the traditional sense, but who doesn't enjoy a good Bond movie? Kristen Platt finds out if the new Bond is any good.

The Prestige

Chris Nolan's magical mystery movie is out in cinemas on November 10.


A new sci-fi comedy series is looking for airtime. Help in the cause by visiting the trailer links.


The movie adaptation of another Frank Miller comic is going to hit the screens in the UK early next year. We've had a sneak peak.

Kevin Smith

Clerks director talks to us about his new movie, not growing up, Johnny Rotten reading poetry, Superman and he dishes the dirt on his actor friends. Win a CLERKS II screenplay.