Neal Asher Book Signings

Neal AsherOne of Tor’s most highly regarded sci-fi authors, Neal Asher, will be signing copies of his new collection, The Gabble – And Other Stories, at everyone’s favourite London megastore, Forbidden Planet, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR on Thursday 27th November, from 6.00pm-7.00pm ( and at Waterstone’s, Culver Square, Colchester, CO1 1JQ on Saturday 22nd November, from 1.00-2.00pm ( so scratch a reminder on your calendar and get yourselves down to one those two venues and pick up a copy with the great man’s moniker right inside the cover, even if it’s not for you, it’d make a terrific Chrissy Pressie for someone else.

Neal’s last novel, Prador Moon, was a rip-roaring space adventure and you can read SCI-FI-LONDON’s review by clicking here.

Neal Asher maintains a blog. You’ll find it here.

The Gabble And Other Stories by Neal Asher