The London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantastic Film
The UK's only dedicated Sci Fi and Fantasy film festival - films, books,reviews, news, forums - we are the home of fantastic film!

Festival News
Marc Caro Q & A from SFL8
Marc Caro talks about The City of Lost Children in a couple of podcasts recorded at SFL8
Festival offers
Special offers and other events around the festival.
Festival programme online
The flipbook of the festival programme is online. Tickets on sale now.
On the Small Screen
Universal Soldier 3: Regeneration
Van Damme and Lundgren back together again.
Anime round-up 04/04/10
Romeo X Juliet concludes and The Slayers get two more box-sets
The House of the Devil
Young Babysitter. Old House. Mother-in-Law. Film title. Any more hints needed?
On the Big Screen
Predators web chat
Robert Rodriguez chats Predators live tomorrow (31/3)
Brookside suddenly got interesting.
Sneak peak at the new Predators movie
Printed Page
2010 Arthur C Clarke Award Shortlist Announced!
From a very strong field of 41 books the judges have whittled it down to six nominees.
Mind Your Business
Serious about a screenwriting career? Looking for the skinny on Agents? This book is perfect.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
A solid tale with a unique mythology that is extremely well written.
James Cameron
The blockbuster director talks about the technical aspects and political themes of his latest sci-fi spectacular.
Simon Furman
We speak to Transformers comic book writer Simon Furman
Dave Filoni
A short Q&A with STAR WARS™: THE CLONE WARS™ director
General News
What’s On – April
We pity the fool who stays home.
Sci-Fi Song Of The Week
SCI-FI-LONDON chooses this week's Sci-Fi Song of the Week on Debatable Spaces
STAR WARS™: In concert
Out of this world multimedia event hits UK and Europe in March and April